I love Aldi so much I have started this page!!! In my journeys i have realised there are those who have an obsessive love for Aldi and those who are yet to understand its magic. I am writing to unite us Aldi lovers and educate those who are yet to love Aldi!! It will be practical, helpfu, amusing and to the point…..A bit like Aldi really!!!
Does ALDI Pay me now?
ALDI sponsors ALDI Mum to run giveaways on the page and do food and products reviews on facebook and my blog, I also provide Aldi with a summary of discussion topics and concerns that arise within the ALDI Mum Facebook page.
Does ALDI tell me what to say?
ALDI provides updates (such as new products) that I could discuss on the ALDI Mum Facebook Page & Blog, ALDI does not explicitly determine what I post on ALDI Mum.